66socialproof (former SocialProofo) NULLED is a fully loaded toolkit with marketing tools, plugins, and pop-ups to create FOMO, Social Proof, Engage and keep your website visitors.
The cost to run campaigns like these round up to $500/year from other companies.
Why would you want to pay $50+/month for a service like this when you can pay $69 once and have the product for a lifetime?
Save more than $500+ a year by choosing 66socialproof
66socialproof is also SAAS ready, if you want yourself to start a fruitful business and charge your customers with integrated one-time and recurring payments via Paypal and Stripe, with included Invoicing system and Discounts/Redeemable codes system as well.
14 INCLUDED NOTIFICATIONSUNLIMITED CAMPAIGNS – Users can create campaigns for any of their website domains.
CUSTOM CAMPAIGNS BRANDING – Users are able to set their own branding of the notifications that they create.
CREATE UNLIMITED NOTIFICATIONS – Create how many notifications per campaign you need.
HIGHLY CUSTOMIZABLE NOTIFICATIONS – Users can set their own settings of the notifications they create and control everything through the settings.
NOTIFICATIONS & CAMPAIGNS STATISTICS – Users will have a dedicated page for statistics for each of their campaigns & notifications.
NOTIFICATIONS CONVERSIONS – Users can see and track the conversions generated by specific notifications.
LOGIN WITH FACEBOOK / GOOGLE / TWITTER / DISCORD – To help users login to your website faster.
TWO FACTOR AUTHENTICATION – To help your users with their account security.
SEO FRIENDLY – Proper URLs, dynamic titles, highly controllable via per language.
SITEMAP – The full sitemap is automatically generated for you and ready to be used.
and many many more..